Friday, July 27, 2012

Pressure Cooked Milkfish Olio Whole Wheat Pasta

Judulnya panjang..haha..lalu apakah itu?jadi cerita bermula ketika temen kantor mesen bandeng presto buat dibawa pulang di suatu Jumat di suatu masa..pas balik, eh ketinggalan, dan of course baru bisa diambil hari Senin nya..walhasil dihibahkan lah itu ikan ke gw,huehehe..

So, what have I done to the fish?I cooked it, with pasta..

pressure cooked milkfish olio whole wheat pasta

Very simple to make actually..

Ingredients :
- Whole Wheat Pasta
- Pressure Cooked Milkfish (Bandeng Presto)
- Olive Oil
- Salt
- Black Pepper
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Abon Cabe Ninoy

Utensils :
- a pot
- a pan
- spatula

How To :
1. Cook the pasta as suggested in the package, in a salted and oiled water.
2. Meanwhile, shred your milkfish into small bits.
3. After boil the pasta as suggested, take it of the heat, drain. Spare a little of the water used.
4. Heat the pan on medium, than add some olive oil.
5. Put the shredded fish into the pan, stir.
6. Add a little balsamic vinegar to give some acidity and reduce the fishy taste of the fish.
7. Put in the drained pasta into the pan, stir.
8. Season it well with salt and grounded black pepper. Add Ninoy Abon Cabe as you like for spiciness.
9. Stir well, then take it of the heat. Serve on a plate.
10.Add a little bit of olive oil, put random herbs on top, ready to eat..Hehe..

Hey..where's the measurement dude??
Sorry guys and lads, I just use instinct for the measurement of everything, from the pasta to the salt,huehe..don't be shy to adjust them by tasting time to'll get the felling somehow after a while.. :D

It's a pretty simply seasoning you use, you did you get the taste?
Well, the fish is already cooked with spices like turmeric and many more..the Abon Cabe Ninoy also consist of garlic,he..

That's all for this time..Enjoy.. :D

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